An update, some wisdom & The Hermit…

Hello there,

It’s been a while since I’ve done any updates or shared any recordings, but earlier this week I felt really compelled to do so. The response to this video across the different platforms where it was shared has blown me away, so I hope it serves you as well as it did those who reached out to me after watching it…

With so much love,

Holly xoxox

A lot of people struggling as Christmas drawers nearer…

A lot of people are struggling right now... I know, I feel you, I see you.... and I'm sending you love...

Keep things simple. Bring yourself back to yourself. See the beauty all around you, in the morning frost, the sky, the stars... in happy memories... in taking care of yourself, in moments of hygge... connecting with your people... making new traditions... & lighting candles and connecting with loved ones in higher realms...

Christmas is the hardest time of year for a lot of folks... Please be compassionate, and extra thoughtful towards those who may be grieving - Grieving for the living, or for the dead.

Grief can often re-open at a time so focused on spending time with family... 💖🙏💖

Look out for signs, I promise your loved ones in Spirit are near. Speak to them... connect with them... ask for their presence to be felt. You'll be amazed.

Bright blessings dear ones,

I love you,

Holly xxx

This beautiful artwork is by Stacey McNeill, you can find her @foxunderthemoon_art on instagram or on her website

Creative Mystics II: Water

Creative Mystics II: Time has flown since our last CM workshop, where we tuned into the element of Water.... It was, yet again, another remarkable, profound and extremely illuminating experience for me.

I had incredible realisations about deeply ingrained and subconscious aspects of my Shadow and past wounds ... as the creativity and expression flowed, so did the insight, and... the tears... I was able to put into visual form, parts of myself that needed love and healing... The aspect of myself that formed to protect me, that over the years I have scorned and judged. I could see the scars and wounds that still exist there within me, that were inflicted upon my younger self, in some cases by myself, and pour love and appreciation where it was very much needed...

It is hard to articulate, but symbolically it felt like I was pulling the younger version of myself into my arms, thanking her for struggling through, thanking her for surviving, and more than anything letting her know how loved she has always been... how perfect she was despite every inner thought telling her otherwise...

The depth of this was truly unprecedented, especially as I have been working on myself for a very long time. It truly goes to show that this work never ends...and things can bubble up out of the blue, sometimes in ways you could never expect.

And that was only the first half of the session! After this had sunk in,I was able to create another painting, pouring into it the positive elements of what I want to call in for myself.

As always happens with these things, it wasn't what was planned, but it sure is what was needed. And the others took a lot away from it too... I am so grateful and humbled to be doing this work, and to still be learning and evolving every step of the way.

In our next workshop, we are going to be working with our Ancestors and loved ones in spirit, seeing what messages they want to bring to us at this time of year when grief can be so raw and our loved ones are very much drawing close. We will be working with the medium of clay this time, and I am very excited to see what we co-create.

A Reading for the collective….

A lot of people have been talking to me about how they are struggling with negotiating the waves and dips in the energy field, and the heavy energy of the collective right now, so I felt drawn to do this reading.

I hope this helps and brings you some strength, upliftment, perspective and positive encouragement to keep going.

The main take aways from this are to give attention to intentions and be intentional with your attention, lol. Be mindful of what you are focusing on, and the energy you are cultivating & projecting out into the world.

If it resonates, please pass it on to anyone you think may benefit from it.

The whole purpose of creation is Spiritual Evolution


"...So stop dimming your light for other people. Stop pretending to be into the same things as everyone else. Stop distracting yourself with materialism and false idols. Stop pretending to be anything other than the person you were put on this earth to be. Stop torturing yourself over 'mistakes' of your past, or problems in your present, or worries about what the future may bring. Stop obsessing over your body image, your shoe collection, your bank balance, or your favourite sports team. Stop living to pay bills, upgrade your car, or buy a home... Stop everything that doesn't fulfill you, inspire you, motivate you, thrill you and move you... Start following that urge you have to break away from society's version of 'normal', to connect with who you truly are, to ask the deep questions, to release and heal your past, become the version of you that you want to be, the one you were born to be, your greatest version... Listen to your higher self, that unexplainable knowing, that feeling that is pulling you away from societies expectations... Fulfill your soul's purpose, to grow & evolve, & transmute negativity and shade into happiness and light... Not just for you, but for me too, for everyone, for everything... Any changes you make in your life have a ripple effect. You have no idea who you are inspiring... and ultimately, we are all one... when you do this for yourself, the whole world and everyone in it changes... we are here for a reason, so embrace it, surrender to it...and when you do... expect miracles..." Holly Charles



Love & gratitude!




About Tarot...

Using Tarot Cards for healing, clearing & manifestation & A Summer Solstice Tarot Spread


Tarot is a Divination tool that has been used by Wise Women, Witches, Oracles and Seers for hundreds and hundreds of years. The history of using cards & images to gain information, insight & clarity can be traced back even further, with evidence of it being used thousands of years ago. It is something that is widely misunderstood, and often never used to it’s full potential! Both Tarot & Oracle cards are an extremely handy tool to have in your repertoire, & if you don’t already use them, this is a great opportunity to learn a little more, and to maybe jump in and have a go!

Tarot cards are a great way of getting an outside view of circumstances in our lives - a way of cutting through the confusion, and seeing things from a different perspective - which is often exactly what we need in life, if we could only get out of our own god damned way! The Tarot is not just about fortune telling and predicting the future, far from it, when used by The Self for The Self, they can have a truly profound effect on our lives. They can assist us in truly knowing what's going on inside, moving ego to one side, to understand our inner workings, and create the shifts needed for true healing and manifestation to take place. With their use we can create the life we want, do the shadow work necessary for true alchemy to take place, and for magic to manifest into our lives.

They are also powerful a tool for gaining a better understanding of our current situation, and help us navigate our way through the present in a way that will benefit us and serve our greatest good in the long run. It helps us see the long game, rather than getting caught up in the stress and anxiety that we may be experiencing in the present.

Doing a spread for yourself is a great way of gaining clarity on where you’ve been and what you’ve been through, as well as helping you realise what you need to focus on, and what you need to release in your life to get you to where you want to be, & also to show yourself a little appreciation. It is such a powerful tool for growth on all levels, and for both your personal and your spiritual development.


Sabbats like Litha/ the Summer Solstice, are a wonderful time to do a spread for yourself, as it is a great opportunity to harness the energies of the changing season and observe the influence they are having on your internal world. The cards can help articulate what it is you need to know to get yourself through the changes smoothly, & whatever is holding you back that you need to release. It is also a great opportunity to check in with yourself to see if you are where you want to be, and think about what it is you want.

The cards can show you what it is you need to focus on, and they truly are a great tool for healing. There is no right or wrong way to use the cards, but when used intuitively and with the right intention, a whole new world of spiritual support and guidance can be accessed - a hard-line to our Ancestors, Guides & Energetic support team can be accessed. A whole range of possibilities is opened up, and with it the sense of support, healing and tangible security that comes with knowing that the invisible realms and your ‘spirit team’ have got your back. It's all about asking the right questions, trusting your intuition, and not allowing your ego to interpret what comes through...

With all of this in mind I have designed a Tarot Spread that you can use this Summer Solstice, to help you move forward in more ways than one!

Whether or not you use the Guidebook that comes with the cards, or you work entirely intuitively, I recommend that you record the cards and what they mean to you in a Journal or Notebook. Not only will this allow you to revisit what comes through later on, it will also help to move your conscious mind out of the way, allowing you to understand the true meaning of the cards – and as you write, it is not uncommon to channel even more wisdom onto the pages...


Card 1 – Where I am Now;

Card 2 – What have I learned over this past cycle of the sun?;

Card 3 – What have I overcome?

Card 4 – What do I have to celebrate?;

Card 5 – What do I need to remember over this coming season?

Card 6 – What should my next course of action be?*

Card 7 – A message from my Ancestors, Spirit Guides & Energetic Support Team.

You can repeat this spread for different areas of your life if you wish, and you can draw more than one card for each one if you would like some more clarity. Card 6 is highlighted with a '*', this is just to highlight that the word 'should' is used, and to state that this is only a recommended course of action to serve your highest good. The choice to act or not is always down to you.

I really hope that you enjoy this spread, and that it helps you find clarity and magic in your life!

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about Tarot or other forms of divination, especially with regards to personal or spiritual development!


Love & Blessings beautiful ones, Namaste, & have a truly blessed Litha!

Holistic Holly, The Holistic Mystic

Self-care is Sacred


Self care is sacred... no matter who you are, what you do, your self care should be a priority... and to be honest with you, to a huge amount of people it really isnt even on the radar... I know I've been in a place,many times in my life, where I needed a bit of tlc, & the only person capable of giving it to me was myself... and that was absolutely not going to happen because I didn't give a shit about myself...

If you feel unworthy of love,& don't even show love to yourself, then you are perpetuating a cycle of sadness, & attracting to yourself circumstances to reaffirm that belief. By practising self-care, by taking time for yourself - you are telling yourself that you are good enough, that you are worthy, that you are loved, & you are loveable. You put up with less shit from others, and you start to realise that you are capable of so much more.

So practise some self-care - drink more water, take those supplements, drink that smoothie or shake, go for that run, have a soak in the bath, go to the gym, do yoga, paint your nails, dance shamelessly around the living room to your favourite song, book in for reflexology, or a massage, or a facial... get your hair done, read that book, binge watch that Netflix show, have that extra piece of fruit or cake or pizza, (or don't,if eating healthy is self-care to you!) repeat those affirmations, meditate, burn incense & essential oils, carry crystals in your pocket, treat yourself to an extra large Soya latte with caramel syrup (or caffeinated beverage of your choice ), paint, draw, play, listen to your favourite album alone in the dark, hit snooze to have an extra 10 minutes in bed, say no when you mean no, set boundaries and protect your energy...

Whatever it is to you, just do it! Because by not doing it you are missing out on little pockets of happiness in your day, you are missing out on something that will hit the refresh button and make you feel like you again, you are missing out on life by being caught up in the things that don't matter, because what matters is you. Do these things without any guilt, because the energy behind them is so important, & because you are deserving. Even if you don't feel worthy of love, by showing yourself love you will attract more of it into your life.

By loving yourself, your whole life will transform... self care should be sacred...anyone who practises it regularly will tell you how important it is. So make time for it... you deserve it, & watch your life change...

'Opening up' An exercise to help you to connect with your Ancestors, Angels & Guides


Spiritual/ Psychic development tips:

Here is a powerful tool  used by spiritual mediums & Psychics the world over, to assist them in expanding their energies and raising their vibration to enable communication with beings from a higher realm (Ancestors, angels, guides, & other non-physical beings).

It is known in spiritual circles as 'opening up', & it is done before one reaches out to receive communication. It is important that one does this with appropriate prayers & visualisations, as well as discernment, to protect oneself from any tricksy spirits who may draw close. (Not all spirits are love & light. Some who draw close do not always have your best interests at heart, & may have their own agenda.)

'Closing down' & clearing afterwards is very important so you are not walking around like a beacon, or a sponge that will absorb the energies of others, (or having your energies drained by others). This is why spiritually sensitive people can be easily drained by negative, emotional, or energy hungry people.

'Opening up' exercise -
After grounding your energy, spend a few moments focusing on your breath & connecting with your spirit team, & setting your intentions and requests.

Visualise each of your main 7 chakras as a flower in their respective colours. One at a time, starting at the root and finishing at the crown, visualise the flowers opening up and uncurling their petals until they are in full bloom. Once the crown is opened and expanded visualise a beam of light traveling down from the heavens, entering your body through the crown flower, traveling down through all of the others. Do this with the intention that you are protected, that everything that comes through to you comes through for your highest good,& the highest good for those you are with, & that it comes through in love, light, truth & sincerity.

You can now commence your card reading, visualisation, journey, journalling, etc. open and connected to spirit - channeling love, wisdom, healing, & energy from source.

When you are finished, 'close down', by copying the opening visualisation in reverse. Imagine the flowers closing and  reducing in size, from your crown down until you reach your solar plexus. The bottom chakras benefit from staying expanded. Then ground down, and visualise your energy being cleansed by a white light washing over you (to clear any energies in your aura you may have picked up whilst you were 'open'. (Especially important when doing readings for others)).
Now thank all of those who drew close to you and also source energy for the insights, support, guidance, wisdom and healing that was received during the exercise.

IMPORTANT: Do not practise this when you are experiencing extreme emotions. You should spend some time in meditation bringing yourself to a state of calm before beginning this practise.

For more guidance on matters of spiritual development and exploration, follow my page on Instagram @holistic_holly, & join my Facebook group! 

Light-Working Warrior Woman, Some of my story...

I have just joined up to the @Warriorwomenevents Warrior Women Initiative on Instagram. More information can be found about this in last week's Podcast. For purposes relating to my work with this movement, I have adopted the title of 'Light-working Warrior Woman'. Here is the introduction that I gave to the community - I wanted to share it here too as it's some of my story, & almost like a Bio of sorts....

Light-working Warrior Woman
From my account you can see that I'm a holistic healer & therapist, who's big into spiritual development, woo-woo, raising consciousness and all that shiz! But what I don't share all that often is the journey that got me here. I often give snippets away here and there, but rarely have I ever talked about my 'why' or my journey to spiritual, emotional and mental freedom (for the most part). So here is a little bit of my backstory...

I have felt like the odd one out for pretty much my entire life, I always tried my best to fit in & be liked, often selling myself way short, becoming a people pleaser, getting myself into situations and in with people that were very bad for me, & very damaging. Not only for myself, but for others too. I became a very angry & self-destructive young women. I was my own worst enemy,& had no love for myself and was often very cruel and self-sabotaging. I have truly been on an incredible journey, that has been shaped by 3 key events I would say...

Spending 7 years of my early life in Borneo, experiencing a very different way of life in one of the most beautiful places in the world. It opened my eyes to things I would not have been aware of at such a young age if I had remained here in the UK.

At the age of 16 being taken to see a Healer, a kinesiologist in fact, who cured me of a long standing and debilitating illness after conventional doctors had thrown up there hands and admitted that they did not know what to do to help me...

...And at the age of 19 walking into a Spiritualist church.

These latter 2 events shaped the rest of my life... after walking into the spiritualist church I joined a Psychic Studies & Spiritual Development Group, which I still attend & now partially run, 12 years later... here I developed my skills as a medium, tarot reader & Mystic, & have developed an interest and insatiable hunger for knowledge of all things esoteric...

I also decided to train as a Holistic Therapist and healer, which I have been working as for the last 10 years, having my own successful business for over 7 years, where I have not only worked with private clients, but also vulnerable adults in many guises too...teaching me a lot about the world indeed.

My personal growth is hugely important to me. I have dug into the depths of my soul, stared long and hard at my darkness, & come out the other side a completely different person...I have learned how to forgive myself, others who have hurt me, & have developed profound compassion and love for myself and the entire world...

My life purpose is clear to me, & I have an unwavering desire to be of service to the world. I truly believe I am here to make the world a better place, & I aspire to inspire others to live happier, healthier & more spiritual lives... I absolutely believe in being the change you wish to see in the world, that our thoughts create our reality, & that we all have the power within us to make the world a better place. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything is energy. We are all fragments of light from the same source. There is no such thing as death. Knowledge of self in all aspects will empower you beyond your boldest expectations, & absolutely anything is possible. I am a lightworker. I am here to light up the darkness, and I am here to help others realise who they are and do the same... by healing ourselves, we help to heal the world.

If any of this resonates with you, please reach out, I would love to make your acquaintance!

Love, light & many blessings!
Holly Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

A brief intro to Spiritual Healing


Various esoteric sources have long suggested that humans are capable of healing one another by utilising the special energy potentials which are brought into each life time.


It's had many names throughout the centuries:

- laying on of hands healing,

- psychic/spiritual healing,

- Therapeutic touch.


In the last several decades modern technology and the consciousness of enlightened scientists has evolved to the point where laboratory confirmation of subtle energetic healing has been made possible.


Not only can this be performed by being in a close physical proximity to the person in question, but it can also be done across vast distances, from the sending of healing thoughts, visualisation prayers and energy. It is based on the belief that all beings are interconnected by a universal life force or energy, also known as ki, chi and prana. Thoughts send out subtle energetic charges into the web of interconnection and out to the person being thought about. Some people also believe that the process is assisted by Spirit & Healing Guides.


I have a weekly healing list, and I sit down to send healing every Sunday evening. If you would like your name added or the name of someone you know please get in touch or leave a comment below! This is a completely free service, and names added will remain on the list for 6 weeks (or longer if required). If you have any questions please ask, & if you would like to know more or would like to connect and send healing at the same time, please get in touch or join my Dawn of the New Age Facebook Group (


Love light and many blessings!


#healing #spiritualsunday #reiki #ki #chi #prana #lightworker #healer #interconnection #consciousness #absenthealing #distanthealing #energywork #energymedicine #vibrationalmedicine #frequency #medium #spiritguides #energeticbeings #auras #energeticbody #psychic healing #esoteric #esotericlife #raisingconsciousness #chakras #marmas #meridians  #divinepurpose #aspiringtoinspire

As I began to love myself...


A Poem by Charlie Chaplin, written on his 70th birthday  

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!