Motherhood truthbomb...#yougotthis


Today I am running on caffeine and baby cwtches...motherhood can be so tough. I am so grateful and blessed to have my 2 boys, but last night exhaustion almost had me defeated...


Between my toddler calling me to put him on the toilet not once, but 6 or 7 times - every time I nodded off it seemed (he appears to have an extra sensory perception of when I fall asleep!), breast feeding my new baby every few hours who just cannot bring up his own wind without a large amount of 'winding' after every feed, my partner just putting a pillow over his head to block out the calls and cries of both, I was so exhausted...especially after a long day of toddler tantrums, breastfeeding and general mum duties...


I sat cross legged on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands on the verge of tears...I almost admitted defeat. But then I took a deep breath, and I realised something... 'I got this'...a mantra that got me through my labour too... I am a strong woman, a force to be reckoned with... I am capable of this and so much more, I have survived far worse, & there are women out there dealing with and overcoming much much more than i can even imagine, with poise and unbelievable strength. What's a little fatigue when I am so loved and so needed by 2 beautiful little souls... mindfulness brought me back from the edge of despair and reminded me to have gratitude...


I climbed back into bed, fed my new baby once more, and started to doze while trying to bring up his wind, only to be woken abruptly to him literally covering me and my bed in beautiful baby sick 😂 oh the joys and glamour of motherhood... it was genuinely like a comedy sketch 🙈


You know what though, It's absolutely ok to admit defeat sometimes, it's absolutely ok to be that person crying on the bathroom floor ! So never beat yourself up for it. But remember you are strong and you are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for! It's all about our attitude...some days we cope better than others...but you are strong and powerful. Never forget it...


#wisewordswednesday #motherhood #mamatribe #sisterhood #mumlife #momlife #breastfeeding #childbirth #fourthtrimester #postpartum #toddlerlife #parenting #innerstrength #yougotthis #attitudeofgratitude #selflove #soproudofyou

Ode to the Wild Woman



This is a celebration for those women who are unapologetically their truest self.

A space to hold women in the ultimate love. For those women who have busted through glass ceilings as though they never existed. For those who’ve fought back tears while standing firm in her power.

This is a giant high five to the women who said “fuck that” to the easy road, the expected road because they knew they could do it better.

Here is a gentle embrace for the women who eschew the standards set by someone else’s rules on beauty, femininity and status.

Here is a boisterous “yes we can!” to the women who work every day to find that balance between their careers and family and prove that you can have both, if you choose.

Let’s pour all our sisterly love for the women who embrace themselves fully. Those who adorn themselves bathe themselves and steep themselves in their own sweet and succulent Goddess power.

A thank you to the women who teach both their sons and daughters to love themselves, to be themselves and rock their freak flags. A sign that celebrating our own wild woman is not about drawing a line between the sexes but appreciating and honoring them both.

I bow to you ladies who know that no job will validate you; no relationship will complete you. You look not to external validation because you know that you have no meaning but the meaning you create for yourself. Everything else is just a varnishing which hides the very best of our imperfect beauty.

Aho to the ladies who promptly smile and flip the bird to those who tell her to “get in line”, “calm down” or otherwise be anything other than your luminous, sublime and authentic self.

Thank you to the wild women who understand that we are all here to nurture, discover and love but before we can do that for others we must do it for ourselves.

May we all celebrate you, revere you and honor those of you who pave a path through the wild tundra. Thank you wild women for your bold courageousness and teaching us all how to find the wild in ourselves. Thank you for the example of digging deep and checking out all of the little cordoned off places within us. To define ourselves, refine ourselves. For reminding us it’s not about being “her” version of wild but to seek out our own unique imprint of the quality.

May we all live wild, creative and full lives created for and by our own vision. May our wild be so bold as to spark flames that burn away the dead weight within us all so we can rise; reborn and renewed. Wild!

Author: Laura Brown

Wild Woman Sisterhood | Photo: Unknown

Beyond Timelight

I'm so so proud of my friend Jacqueline Page! She has finally finished her book, Beyond Timelight! And has seen a long standing ambition fulfilled! It is a wonderful book & an absolute MUST read for anyone interested in spirituality & spiritualism, or has ever searched for a deeper understanding of the world... here is some more information about it, & for a limited time you can download the ebook for FREE! Just follow the link below to be taken to her website to find out how!


BEYOND TIMELIGHT by Jacqueline Anne

"A modern day story that can be interpreted on two levels. A supernatural tale or an awareness into the power of thought and the hidden influences upon our lives.Where do we go? Is there a judgement day? All this and more is revealed in Beyond Timelight. A work of fiction but inspired by spirit from beginning to end.

Charles Broyden, ambitious, ruthless and now deceased, but still pulling the strings.

In the Devil’s pocket for the best part of his life, but who’s in charge now? The puppet or the puppeteer?

A battle ensues that must be won by the Keepers of Timelight! Can they save Elizabeth from the destructive forces and save the soul of a man from himself?

Where do we go? Is there a judgement day? All this and more is revealed in Beyond Timelight."

#selfpublished #mustread #spirituality #supportentrepreneurs #booklover #reader #bibliophile #bookworm #bookrecommendation #freeebook #ebook

Tarot Reading - 26th March 2017

Hello beautiful co-creators!

It is that time of the month again, where I post a Tarot card reading to help with any guidance or wisdom to help you through a particular issue or situation in your life!

This months reading is relating to resolving a conflict that is ongoing in your life at the moment, whether that be on a personal, professional or emotional level...

So pick a card, you can pick more than one if you wish, and carry on reading to find out what it means....

Free Tarot Reading ~ Holly's Holistic Healing Blog ~ Facebook: Holly's Holistic Healing, Twitter & Instagram: @holistic_holly, Etsy: HolisticMysticHolly

Ths first card:

King of cups (reversed):

The situation you find yourself in at the moment is one where you feel you have little or no control over your emotions. They are getting the better of you and you are struggling to get a handle on them. Whatever or whoever this issue is, can cause you to go from calm to extremely angry/ upset in 0 seconds flat!

You find this hard to get your head around as all rationality goes out of the window, and you are trying hard to work out what it is about this that gets so deep under your skin... just when you think you are able to rise above it, something grabs you by the ankle and pulls you back in.

The advice that is coming here is to sit back and observe your mind & emotions... what is it that you are thinking when your mind and emotions begin to reel... what aspect of yourself is jumping to the defensive, or is feeling threatened by the situation? (This is where writing and journalling are incredibly useful!) It is the things that we have the strongest reaction to that require our attention. They call for us to look inward and focus on ourselves. They are often our biggest teachers/ lessons...

So rather that allowing this to continue - sit, examine, reflect, and use this as an opportunity to learn and to grow. It is an opportunity for massive personal development, and letting go of something big that is holding you back, or is causing you damage that you are either unaware is there or have been trying hard to ignore.

If you feel you are having trouble articulating or explaing yourself in this situation, and the anger and emotion is coming from a place of frustration or a place where you feel you have no control, then these steps to actually look inward and analyse the internal processes will help you to take control back, and also make you better able to articulate yourself with those who are dominating the situation.

But please, do not beat yourself up about feeling your emotions or allowing them to flow. They should never be bottled up. Allowing them to flow can allow them to be released. It is when you start going back to the same place, allowing the same triggers, and the same situation or type of situation to occur and overwhelm you again and again that you need to take a long look at yourself and those emotions, and work out exactly what it is you need to change to prevent this cycle from repeating. Break the cycle. Stop, reflect, and make the relevant changes so you don/t have to keep putting yourself through this again and again and again...

Key words/ phrases: Take control back, look within, break the cycle...

The Second card:

Two of Swords (Reversed)

For whatever reason, things here have become very out of balance. You have been giving up your personal power, and have been feeling that someone or something else has been having/taking control. You have been ignoring your intuition on this matter, and although you have the knowledge and understanding of the situation and all that is involved, for some reason you are taking a back seat on not stepping forward and taking some of the control back.

For whatever reason,  you have been hiding your true thoughts and feelings about the situation, and if you want to make changes and for things to move forward, you need to allow yourself to speak up. If it is because you are worried about what you will say when you open your mouth and the impact that this will have, don't be... by speaking up the situation will automatically improve. I genuinely feel that the other person or people involved in this situation are completely unaware of the impact that it has been having on you because you have done such a good job of 'sucking it up' and carrying on despite your feelings. Allow your intuition to guide you, and stop ignoring those impulses you have to take action and make changes.

You have all the tools necessary - the ability to articulate, the fact that you have been keeping your cool, and the fact that you have a great knowledge and understanding of the subject at hand & what has been going on. Becaue of this it is imposssibe for your intentions to be misconstrude or minsinterpreted.

Stop suffering in silence, and stand up to be counted, otherwise change will never happen. You must do what feels right to you, and speak to the right people... you will know when the time is right. Just take a deep breath and be brave...

There is a bright new start and a complete energy shift waiting for you... spring is here, and it is time to spring clean your life and any toxic situations that are putting a dampener on everything else.

Key words/ phrases: Open up to the possibility that you have exactly what it takes, you have the ability to make big changes, trust your instincts and intuition to know when to act.

Card 3:

The Wheel (Reversed)

Well goodness me, this situation is definitely causing some confusion... you don't know whether you are coming or you're going, and it is affecting every aspect of your life at the moment. When you think things are starting to come back into balance, another curve ball is thrown into the mix and you just don't know how to get it to stop...

You have been poised for action, or have been anticipating problems and issues for so long now that you are becoming exhausted. Mental fatigue is setting in and you are at a loss as to know what can possibly be done to rectify any of what has been going on...

Here I must stress to you that it is important to go easy on yourself. Life is naturally made up of cycles, in the world around us, and also internally. We can't do everything at once, and we cannot maintain the same levels of enthusiasm, creativity, productivity, emotional stability, harmony, and vitality constantly! It is just impossible... it is when we expect this of ourselves in order to accomplish everything on our to do lists by yesterday that we start to unravel and fray at the edges... you need to cut yourself some slack, and stop setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, and for the person or situation that this card is referring to.

We are all at different places at different times, and sometimes the place differnt people are at is not conducive to the relationship or the situation that we are in with them... so meet that with acceptance, and know when to take a time out, or to just shut off and disengage from it for the benefit of all parties. We can't be everything for every body all of the time, and we can't expect that from others either. You need to be more compassionate with yourself and with others, and the waters will begin to calm and return to the ebb and flow that is natural and harmonious, rather that the whirlwind and volatility that has been around you of late.

You need to set yourself adrfit and just go with the flow rather that trying to grip on tight and hold on to things that cannot be controlled... If you do this, things in your life will become much more harmonious, because truly it is only how you think and feel about situations that is in your control... when you accept this you will be free from the whirlwind and the stresses and strains that come with trying to keep up with it and trying to control the uncontrollable.

Key words/ Phrases: Just let go and go with the flow, be compassionate with yourself and others, every step forward is progress - not everything can happen at a rate that we want it to.


I hope that you found this reading helpful, and that you can take some wisdom from it that will help you on your journey!

Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below! And if you think of anyone who would enjoy reading this or get something from it then please share it with them!

If you would like a more in depth reading then check out my Etsy shop to book one in! And if you have any questions then please ask!

Love, light & many blessings!



Namaste, In Lakech a'la Kin, Ieuchyd da


Spreading the light of truth...

Unless you have been lucky enough to be living off grid & away from civilisation for the last few years, you will most definitely have noticed that there are BIG changes going on in the world... Some good, some bad... but what it evident is that everyone has an opinion about the majority of them, and strong ones...

It has been brought to my attention, that actually, the big changes taking place are the result of exactly what people have been hoping for... People just don't realise it yet, and are focusing on the short term future, not actually on where these changes are actually going to lead us... (Unless the focus for the long term is on catastrophic ideas fuelled by the media hysteria that don't take into account the short term changes).

The extreme changes, and extreme politics of the world are actually the catalyst that is needed for positive radical change. I believe that we are experiencing the discomfort that creates the pearl...

(We are experiencing the discomfort that creates the pearl...)

(We are experiencing the discomfort that creates the pearl...)

The situations around us are making a lot of people look long and hard at their own ethics, morals and life choices. They are helping these people to become better than they were - more responsible for themselves and those around them. They are encouraging these people to strive for more, in all areas of their lives and to help make the world a better place.

It is undeniable that yes, there are those who are becoming engulfed in the fear and darkness, but a lot more people are waking up & realising that they do in fact need to be the change that they wish to see in the world. 

It's time for us all to be the change we want to see in the world ~ Spreading the Light of Truth ~ Holly Charles ~ Web: FB: Holly’s Holistic Healing Twitter / IG: @holistic_holly Etsy: HolisticMysticHolly


It is important now more than ever for people to be pro-active , and not let their darkness or the 'darkness' of the world engulf them. Time is short for many people to wake up and realise that they are the ones who can make the biggest difference. It is them who can tip the balance in the scale of 'Good vs. Evil' in the world. People can no longer sit around and do nothing.

Hope is a very powerful thing, and it's growing stronger all of the time. Many now resolutely believe that the scales are tipping onto the side of good, regardless of what the mainstream media are saying. The truth is coming out in all areas.

(People are beginning to see the truth)

(People are beginning to see the truth)


People are taking back their power over their health and their power to resist changes that disagree with their soul (what they know to be right and just, and what clearly is not). People are taking matters into their own hands and are becoming more socially aware, and using their skills and knowledge to help in their communities, leaving their jobs to take on paths of entrepreunership and social change, more people than ever are showing a united front and are helping with charities, volunteering their time to help others, and utilising the power of the internet to share information and share light with the world...


A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle ~ Spreading the Light of Truth ~ Holly Charles ~ Web: FB: Holly’s Holistic Healing Twitter / IG: @holistic_holly Etsy: HolisticMysticHolly

So please, share stories of hope & light as far as you can. Share good news and positive events with the world at every opportunity... Activism in not just about chaining yourself to gates & buildings or marching around with plaquards - but spreading positivity, comradery and community, and spreading the light of truth where possible...

The time of the everyday activist is here. The time of knowledge & unidiminishable light is upon us. We must continue to plant mental seeds wherever and whenever possible to inspire this behaviour in others, and let them know that there is always hope... Always.

The domino effect that will light up the world. Knowing you are making a difference will help you to grow, evolve & feel fulfilled...

So do whatever you can... share whatever you can... don't lose hope & don't ever feel defeated... there is always something you can do... 


I am a firm believer in manifesting your life and that we are the creators of own realities... So live with intention & manifest well...

Love, Light, Laughter, & Blessings,


Iechyd da, Namaste, Sat Nam, A Salaam alaikum, In Lak'ech Ala K'in!



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The Largest Experiment in Human History?

I recently watched 'Microbirth', a documentary about our health and the health of mankind as a whole, and how completely unknowingly we are making ourselves sicker and sicker....

Winner of The Grand Prix Award at Life Sciences Film Festival 2014; The Grand Prix Award at Ekotopfilm 2016; and the Main Prize for Science and Technology, at Envirofilm 2016, it is a documentary about the latest research on the origins of the microbiome; how microscopic events during childbirth have lifelong consequences for the health of our children. It features interviews and research from thirteen leading professors from around the world.

The film has had a profound affect on me, and I believe it to be one of the most important documentaries I have seen for a very long time. I would like to share some of what I learned with you to help you understand why the issues raised in this documentary are so important, and why we need time and money spent looking into the issues this documentary touches upon, not only for our health, and our children's health, but that of generations of people to follow. I hope that it inspires you to seek it out and watch it for yourself, and share it far and wide. The information contained within it is very important indeed.

Let's start with some facts:

The world is being crippled by non-communicable diseases. A non-communicable disease is defined as the following:

"A non-communicable disease, or NCD, is a medical condition or disease, which by definition is non-infectious and non-transmissible among people. NCDs may be chronic diseases of long duration and slow progression, or they may result in more rapid death such as some types of sudden stroke. They include autoimmune diseases, heart disease, stroke, many cancers, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and more. While sometimes referred to as synonymous with "chronic diseases", NCDs are distinguished only by their non-infectious cause, not necessarily by their duration. Chronic diseases require chronic care management as do all diseases that are slow to develop and of long duration".
"The World Health Organization reports NCDs to be by far the leading cause of death in the world, representing over 60% of all deaths. Out of the 36 million people who died from NCDs in 2005, half were under age 70 and half were women. Of the 57 million global deaths in 2008, 36 million were due to NCDs. That is approximately 63% of total deaths worldwide."

It is estimated that these diseases are going to end up costing the world $47 trillion (US) a year by 2030. These figures are staggering, and it has many ramifications, including the fact that all Health Care systems could not possibly cope finiancially with the strain on their resources caring for all of these ill people. We can already see that it is happening in the NHS, and other healthcare organisations across the world.

Officially there are four lifestyle risk factors that have been identified as the main causes of these diseases - Smoking, Drinking, Poor Diet, Lack of excercise.

But is there a piece of the puzzle that doctors and scientists have missed?

Our bodies are complex eco-systems:

I already knew that our bodies are home to a great number of micro-organsims, but was amazed to discover that our bodies are actually phenomenally complex eco-systems, much more so than I had expected. Micro-organisms in fact outnumber our human cells 10:1! Yes, really! They evolved along side us, and a symbiotic relationship has developed, which has meant that we have become intinsically linked to one another. We are made up of 90% Microbial organisms, and the importance of this should not be underestimated, and it has been for quite some time.

Our human eco-systems (a.k.a Microbiomes) are becoming damaged and are degrading, mainly due to lifestyle changes, overuse of antibactierial products, and overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics. It is estimated that we have lost 1/3 of our microbes, and it is drastically affecting our health.

Microbirth: This award winning documentary contains the latest research on the origins of the microbiome; and how microscopic events that take place during childbirth have lifelong consequences for the health of our children. It features interviews …

What has this got to do with child birth?

The most critical time for developing our individual Microbiomes is childbirth. 'Seeding', which occurs when we are first introduced to the microbes that will develop into our own personal eco-system, occurs through a special cocktail of bacteria that we come into contact with as we travel down our mothers birth canal. This is THE single most important event for cultivating our own, healthy microbiomes.

The second is immediate skin-to-skin contact with our mothers in order for her skin bacteria to transfer on to ours. (Skin to skin contact immediately after childbirth also has countless other benefits).

Breast-feeding is the next stage, (and prolonged breastfeeding if at all possible. The World Health Organisation recommend breastfeeding up until the age of 2). Breastmilk contains the microbes & antibodies that we need, as well as sugars which are actually indegestible to us, but are the perfect food for the bacteria living in our guts, helping them to multiply and flourish, allowing for a strong and healthy digestive system. (This demonstrates that crazy symbiotic relationship in action!)

If these steps don't occur, our immune systems are immediatelly compromised. Without the introduction of healthy bacteria, etc. from our mothers, how does the body learn to distinguish what bacteria is good and what is bad? This has huge consequences later in life. The immune system, metabollic processes & micro-immune system may never recover.

But what if a 'natural birth' is not possible?

In many cases, natural deliveries are just not an option, but there are actions you can take to help build up your microbes later in life (ie. through the consumption of pro-biotics), but unfortunately this doesn't help the immue system. Other steps need to be taken to help strengthen them, which include diet and lifestyle choices, which I am happy to go into in more detail in a later post.

The importance of 'Seeding' at birth raises a lot of questions about Caeserian deliveries. Their importance of C-sections is not in question, there are many women and children who would not be alive today without them, but the procedures surrounding them need to be addressed.

One of the current problems with C-sections is that the babies guts are introduced to the wrong microbes, and therefore get programmed with the wrong types of bacteria. The importance of immediate skin to skin, and prolonged breastfeeding becomes much greater, and also the use of vaginal swabs, taken from the mother and introduced to the baby, becomes very important too. Research is now being done in this area, but more attention needs to be focused on this to see how it affects a childs long-term health.

Our micribiome is directly passed down through a maternal lineage over generations, and due to new birthing approaches, it is now being disrupted, with consequences that are as yet unknown.

Believe is or not, it is also affecting our genes:

It is not only the health of our immune systems that is being effecting, but Epigenetics also comes into play. Epigenetics is where the outward expression of gene is altered due to certain environmental changes and triggers. Certain genes are switched on and off throughout our lives due to certain situations and events, and often as a result of hormone changes in our bodies.

One of the events that effects some of our genes expressions is childbirth. There are genes that are in use in utero (in the womb) that are not needed once we enter the world, and there are genes that we need to have switched on for our bodies to function properly. (For example, leaving the watery surroundings of the womb and emerging into the world, certain characteristics and functions of our lungs need to change). During a 'natural' vaginal delivery genes are switched on and off due to the hormones released in our mothers systems, which we inherit through the placenta. Intervention is directly affecting these hormones, and therefore the expression of our genes once we enter the world. Could this be a contributing factor in the rise of breathing problems and other conditions in younger generations?

A mother's natural birth hormones affect our babies in a huge way, and use of synthetic hormones could be having detremental affects, more research and studies need to be done! At the moment we are introducing changes and disrupting a vital biological process with unknown consequences.

Something needs to be done:

The way birth is approached, particularly in the West, really needs to change. It has ramifications in so many different areas of our lives, and our childrens lives - and even those of our children's children. It is an issue that we cannot afford to ignore. Without adequate studies we are literally playing Russian Roulette with the future health of our species, and we really need to know more...

I highly recommend watching this, especially if you are birth professional or in the medical field in any shape or form!

If you would like to know more about Microbirth, click here to be taken to the official website. You can also watch it here for free if you sign up for a 10 day free trial. There are also many other ways to watch it.

If you have already seen the documentary, or have anything to share on the subject please leave a comment below!

And if you have enjoyed this post, please comment and/ or share it with the world!

Love, light and good health to you all!





This award winning documentary contains the latest research on the origins of the microbiome; and how microscopic events that take place during childbirth have lifelong consequences for the health of our children. It features interviews and research…

St Dwynwen's day

Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus!! 😙💗🌹💖💐 Gyda Cariad xoxox

Dydd Santes Dwynwen ( Welsh for St Dwynwen's Day) is considered to be the Welsh equivalent to Valentine's Day and is celebrated on 25 January every year.

St. Dwynwen's day

It celebrates Dwynwen: the Welsh saint of lovers.

Much of Welsh history is based on stories and songs which were traditionally passed on by word of mouth. As such, the original tale has become mixed with elements of folktales and Celtic stories, and so there are a number variations on the tale.

Here is the family friendly version...

Dwynwen was the beautiful daughter of Brychan Brycheiniog, born in the 5th Century. Brycheiniog was said to have had eleven sons and twenty-four daughters (although these figures vary greatly, to the extent of suggesting he had over fifty children). She met and fell madly in love with a man called Maelon, and he reciprocated her feelings. She asked her father if she could marry Maelon but Brychan disliked Maelon and refused to give his permission. Maelon begged, as did Dwynwen, but Brychan would not relent and Maelon was forced to leave. Dwynwen was so upset that she ran into the forest. There, she met an angel in a dream who granted her the position of the Saint of Love. (Gyda Chariad = With Love)

Information sourced from Wikipedia

You probably need to read this...

Energetically speaking, we are coming to the end of a nine year cycle...

2016 has been very much a year of endings, and of shedding the old, getting rid of what no longer serves us in our lives.

For a lot of people it has been a very difficult and emotional year...

But now is a very important time to be planting the seeds for the future.... setting things up to start as we mean to go on, and setting the foundations for the next 9 year cycle to begin.

There is a famous expression that some of you may have heard...

Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds...


Our thoughts literally create our experience of the world and how we view our lives. As much as I am all about looking at things in terms of energy, I also know about biology.... I am a holistic therapist, which means I help people by looking at their mind, body and spirit, and at how these things are interconnected, and how they all influence one another... and help to bring them back into balance... Our thoughts and our body language directly affect the hormones that are released into our bodies. If we focus on sad things or things that frustrate or anger us, we will get a release of those hormones into the body, fuelling the fire so to speak. Whereas if we focus on happy things, or get up and dance and sing when we are feeling down or anxious, we can fool our bodies into thinking we are happy, and we get a good old boost of happy hormones too.... just a little something to bear in mind next time you need or want to change your mood fast!

We are in a very potent month for manifesting right now, what this means is that what we think about and talk about now, or what we take action upon and set our intentions on is what we are going to be bringing into our lives... almost as if the universe is giving us a helping hand to help us fulfil our wishes. So it’s a very important time to take action, and be pro-active, and positive in want we think about and what we do...

If you are fed up with certain aspects of your life, now is the time to take action to change them, and take steps forwards to release things from your life, to start new patterns... of behaviour, of thought, and even of circumstance...

It is never too late.... it is often a very difficult task for some people to change their circumstances over night, but you can change your attitudes, and your thoughts about these things, and send requests and prayers out to help you to make these changes... we don’t always have to be victims of our circumstances...we can become stronger & wiser by overcoming them.

If the problem is a person or people in your life treating you badly, step back and consider what the root cause of that behaviour may be.... 99% of the time, it’s a problem they have with themselves or someone else in their lives.... so don’t take it personally, but meet them with compassion....and if the problem is you..... *ahem*... then become aware of that, accepting responsibility and either changing your behaviours or dealing out apologies, which will make it better for everyone all round...

It is important to remember, although it seems like a clichéd to say it, that there is always someone worse off than you, that is happier with their life as well... it may not seem that way sometimes, though when we are allowing our biology to cloud our judgements and our rationale (by this I mean those hormones i mentioned earlier), but when we take time to stop and think, we realise that it is true.


An example of this from my life, is that at this very moment my nan is in hospital after having a stroke... she is not in a good way, although she does have some good days and some bad. I have been visiting her a lot, and when I look around the ward and see some of the other patients who are in much worse shape than she is, or are much younger, or don’t receive any visitors from one day to the next, my sadness and worry turns into gratitude, that actually as bad as it is... it could be far far worse. We still have her with us, we still have this time to be with her and she is able to talk and laugh with us when she is strong enough... we have this time together before she makes her journey home...and she knows how loved she is, as she has one of us sat with her every single day.

It is ultimately how you look at a situation that will affect how you are affected by it....

I know there are a lot of damaged people out there in the world.... we all have baggage or hidden scars, but once again, it is how we choose to look at these things in our lives, as to whether we wear them with a badge of honour, to say that we survived them and have learned and been made stronger by them.... or we can carry them with us like a ball and chain, letting them spoil and upset our lives now, even when the event happened long ago.

It is not always easy to let things go, but for your own happiness and inner peace we need to try to change the way we look at things.... whether that be through forgiveness, of ourselves or others, or through spending time diving deep, really analysing ourselves our emotions, or actions, not hiding away, but facing them head on... stripping ourselves bare and really realising that we are not a product of what happens to us in our lives, but we are a product of how think, feel and act towards ourselves and others.... we then realise that ultimately, we have the power to become the person we want to be... we have the power to choose how we act, think and behave.... awareness is the first and one of the most powerful steps... but we need to look within to find that awareness....

We live in a time when it is so easy to connect with other people, the age of information and the world wide web...yet we become bamboozled by the sheer amount of information that we experience daily... and we are becoming ever more isolated in our society.... the trick is to be selective in what we engage in... don’t mindlessly trawl through social media, or flick through channel after channel of rubbish tv... seek out what sets your heart on fire.... seek out what it is that you really need. I have found the internet is such an amazing place to find the help and resources you need to heal yourself, and truly know yourself.... by finding people who have had the same experiences as you, or finding people on similar journeys, to help support you on your transition to a better life, and a better version of yourself...

For a long time I was, and still am, addicted to watching self help and spiritual development videos on youtube! There are some really amazing, and knowledgeable people out there who can give advice, FOR FREE, on any issue that you need help with! And it has really helped me to heal old wounds, and become empowered and confident in the person I am becoming... the best version of myself that i can possibly be... I think that we owe that to ourselves, and to the world... it definitely helps with any negative self-talk that we have about ourselves...

This new cycle that we are entering, this new world that is being born as we move further into the  ‘New age’, the age of Aquarius, is one of collaboration, of sharing knowledge, and of community supporting one another, knowing that we are all connected & that we are first & foremost energetic and spiritual beings... and technology is making all of that possible...

So I just want to say use this time wisely....

1-Write down your goals or a list of things you want more of in your life;


2-Become aware of what it is you spend your energy talking about or thinking about.... these, in a way, are a request to the universe for more of the same thing;

3-Look within and work out what it is that you want or need to release from your life... and find ways of making that possible... whether it be through making conscious decisions to avoid certain people or behaviours, keeping a journal to see what troublesome thoughts keep arising in your mind - if patterns emerge work out ways of changing how you feel about those things.... or even do an internet search... (if you haven’t got a computer or the internet at home, get to your local library!), the blog posts, articles, videos out there to help you with whatever your problem might be are endless, as you are not the first person to be going through whatever it is you are going through!

My overall point is this, that whatever you decide you want in your life is possible.... you just have to work out what that is, or what it definitely isn’t!... if you set your intentions, and ask the universe, your spirit family, and the world for help.... it will be so.... have faith, and trust, and listen to nudges and your intuition, and allow it to guide you to the right people, places, and even thoughts that you need that will change your life for the better....


Remember : Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds....

Good luck with your gardens, and the next nine year cycle that is about to begin... I hope it brings you all that you hope for and more... don’t just coast through it, become a conscious manifestor, and ensure that you play a part in shaping how you want it to be...

Time for a more authentic approach!

For many years I have been living a double life... My life as a Holistic Therapist, and my life as a 'Mystic'. It is only in the last couple of years that I have started opening up about my Spiritual life. For over 10 years I have always had one foot dipped into the Spirit world, and one foot in this one.

My life as a Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, etc. is one that I have kept slightly private, due to fear of judgements, and stigma... but earlier this year I wrote this piece of philosophy that I would like to share with you...

Embracing your Spirituality
"I think right now what the world needs is more people living with more truth, and more integrity. Authenticity and transparency are needed so tremendously in this world obsessed with materialism and superficiality…
We need to stop paying lip service to those people around us who live in a way that contrasts with our own. We need to stand up and say what we believe and live our life by that. No more hiding away, or fading in to the background... especially when things are said and done that we disagree with.
This isn’t as easy as it may appear, it will expose our vulnerabilities, and may of course bring rise to some conflicts, or people distancing themselves from us. But truly, does it matter?
What people think or say about us has so much more to do with them, than it does with us. And if it does hurt, we need to look inward and examine why it hurts us? What old wound is this aggravating? What is it about what they are saying that threatens me? What about me does it threaten? You can turn this hurt into a valuable lesson, and use it to help you grow and evolve past worrying what other people think or say.
What does it say about a person if they are not respectful enough to respect our views and agree to disagree with us… the worst that can happen is that people decide they don’t want to bother with us anymore… well that is one less insincere, and uncompassionate person in your life. Good riddance.
It is difficult to be of this understanding (a spiritualist) in the modern world. People are so quick to be skeptical, and to mock us… calling us cracked, loopy, delusional… or worse. But if they are so firm in their beliefs, what we believe should not threaten that in the slightest. And surely they would prefer us to be right deep down?
I have come to the realisation recently, that for every outspoken skeptic, you will have a multitude of quiet supporters, and like I said, what people say or think about you has more to do with them than it does with you.
We need to embrace our differences, embrace our ‘strangeness’. After all, we are the ones who know and understand that we have constant support from the non-physical worlds, especially when we ask for it. We are the ones who pray – sending out healing and love, and support to our friends and loved ones. We are the ones that little by little are raising the vibration of the world, and we are the ones that know, no matter what we do, no matter what the circumstances, our loved ones and team mates in the spirit world have got out backs.
So speak up, be open and honest, and remember the comfort it brings to have knowledge that we are eternal beings, that this world is only temporary. Speak of your trust and belief that life goes on, That we are not alone, That prayers are answered and that miracles do in fact exist.
You never know, people once skeptical may be touched by your words, and be comforted and opened up by them when something happens, possibly years from now…
I will say this though, there is something to be said for using your intuition in these matters… we are all at different levels of awareness and understanding – that is the point of being here – to evolve and grow… and those of us that are lower down in the awareness spectrum can be quite aggressively skeptical… which is something I have always found so bizarre, especially as I grew up in a country where spirit & ancestor worship was the norm, and like I said… surely they want us to be right deep down… but it can only come from fear of the unknown… but these people are not worth arguing with… so be aware of when things are best left. Say your peace and agree to disagree… don’t sink down to their level and let their aggression and resistance affect you… remember – their behaviour says more about them, than it does about you…
If you start to embrace these spiritual truths, I think you’ll be amazed at how much more support and communication from spirit you start to receive. When we fully embrace our spirituality, and express that outwardly, encompassing it as a way of life and not just a hobby or something to return to in times of crisis, magical things will start to happen…"

So with that in mind, and the fact that we are in an incredibly potent time energetically for manifesting & setting intentions, I am bringing my two paths together, and am outing myself as a Holistic Practitioner, & a Mystic! The time has come for me to merge these 2 parts of my life as it is my goal to be much more authentic in my approach to both areas, and no longer keep the deeper Spiritual stuff separate... it is all part and parcel of the 'Holistic' approach to life after all, and I want to commit as much of my energy to promoting my message, raising the world's vibration, and helping as many people as I can! And the best way for me to do that is to bring it all together!

So if you are deciding to stay with me on this journey, or if you have decided to take your leave, I wish you nothing but love, happiness, laughter & blessings! In this life & the next!
