Light-Working Warrior Woman, Some of my story...

I have just joined up to the @Warriorwomenevents Warrior Women Initiative on Instagram. More information can be found about this in last week's Podcast. For purposes relating to my work with this movement, I have adopted the title of 'Light-working Warrior Woman'. Here is the introduction that I gave to the community - I wanted to share it here too as it's some of my story, & almost like a Bio of sorts....

Light-working Warrior Woman
From my account you can see that I'm a holistic healer & therapist, who's big into spiritual development, woo-woo, raising consciousness and all that shiz! But what I don't share all that often is the journey that got me here. I often give snippets away here and there, but rarely have I ever talked about my 'why' or my journey to spiritual, emotional and mental freedom (for the most part). So here is a little bit of my backstory...

I have felt like the odd one out for pretty much my entire life, I always tried my best to fit in & be liked, often selling myself way short, becoming a people pleaser, getting myself into situations and in with people that were very bad for me, & very damaging. Not only for myself, but for others too. I became a very angry & self-destructive young women. I was my own worst enemy,& had no love for myself and was often very cruel and self-sabotaging. I have truly been on an incredible journey, that has been shaped by 3 key events I would say...

Spending 7 years of my early life in Borneo, experiencing a very different way of life in one of the most beautiful places in the world. It opened my eyes to things I would not have been aware of at such a young age if I had remained here in the UK.

At the age of 16 being taken to see a Healer, a kinesiologist in fact, who cured me of a long standing and debilitating illness after conventional doctors had thrown up there hands and admitted that they did not know what to do to help me...

...And at the age of 19 walking into a Spiritualist church.

These latter 2 events shaped the rest of my life... after walking into the spiritualist church I joined a Psychic Studies & Spiritual Development Group, which I still attend & now partially run, 12 years later... here I developed my skills as a medium, tarot reader & Mystic, & have developed an interest and insatiable hunger for knowledge of all things esoteric...

I also decided to train as a Holistic Therapist and healer, which I have been working as for the last 10 years, having my own successful business for over 7 years, where I have not only worked with private clients, but also vulnerable adults in many guises too...teaching me a lot about the world indeed.

My personal growth is hugely important to me. I have dug into the depths of my soul, stared long and hard at my darkness, & come out the other side a completely different person...I have learned how to forgive myself, others who have hurt me, & have developed profound compassion and love for myself and the entire world...

My life purpose is clear to me, & I have an unwavering desire to be of service to the world. I truly believe I am here to make the world a better place, & I aspire to inspire others to live happier, healthier & more spiritual lives... I absolutely believe in being the change you wish to see in the world, that our thoughts create our reality, & that we all have the power within us to make the world a better place. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything is energy. We are all fragments of light from the same source. There is no such thing as death. Knowledge of self in all aspects will empower you beyond your boldest expectations, & absolutely anything is possible. I am a lightworker. I am here to light up the darkness, and I am here to help others realise who they are and do the same... by healing ourselves, we help to heal the world.

If any of this resonates with you, please reach out, I would love to make your acquaintance!

Love, light & many blessings!
Holly Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Time for a more authentic approach!

For many years I have been living a double life... My life as a Holistic Therapist, and my life as a 'Mystic'. It is only in the last couple of years that I have started opening up about my Spiritual life. For over 10 years I have always had one foot dipped into the Spirit world, and one foot in this one.

My life as a Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, etc. is one that I have kept slightly private, due to fear of judgements, and stigma... but earlier this year I wrote this piece of philosophy that I would like to share with you...

Embracing your Spirituality
"I think right now what the world needs is more people living with more truth, and more integrity. Authenticity and transparency are needed so tremendously in this world obsessed with materialism and superficiality…
We need to stop paying lip service to those people around us who live in a way that contrasts with our own. We need to stand up and say what we believe and live our life by that. No more hiding away, or fading in to the background... especially when things are said and done that we disagree with.
This isn’t as easy as it may appear, it will expose our vulnerabilities, and may of course bring rise to some conflicts, or people distancing themselves from us. But truly, does it matter?
What people think or say about us has so much more to do with them, than it does with us. And if it does hurt, we need to look inward and examine why it hurts us? What old wound is this aggravating? What is it about what they are saying that threatens me? What about me does it threaten? You can turn this hurt into a valuable lesson, and use it to help you grow and evolve past worrying what other people think or say.
What does it say about a person if they are not respectful enough to respect our views and agree to disagree with us… the worst that can happen is that people decide they don’t want to bother with us anymore… well that is one less insincere, and uncompassionate person in your life. Good riddance.
It is difficult to be of this understanding (a spiritualist) in the modern world. People are so quick to be skeptical, and to mock us… calling us cracked, loopy, delusional… or worse. But if they are so firm in their beliefs, what we believe should not threaten that in the slightest. And surely they would prefer us to be right deep down?
I have come to the realisation recently, that for every outspoken skeptic, you will have a multitude of quiet supporters, and like I said, what people say or think about you has more to do with them than it does with you.
We need to embrace our differences, embrace our ‘strangeness’. After all, we are the ones who know and understand that we have constant support from the non-physical worlds, especially when we ask for it. We are the ones who pray – sending out healing and love, and support to our friends and loved ones. We are the ones that little by little are raising the vibration of the world, and we are the ones that know, no matter what we do, no matter what the circumstances, our loved ones and team mates in the spirit world have got out backs.
So speak up, be open and honest, and remember the comfort it brings to have knowledge that we are eternal beings, that this world is only temporary. Speak of your trust and belief that life goes on, That we are not alone, That prayers are answered and that miracles do in fact exist.
You never know, people once skeptical may be touched by your words, and be comforted and opened up by them when something happens, possibly years from now…
I will say this though, there is something to be said for using your intuition in these matters… we are all at different levels of awareness and understanding – that is the point of being here – to evolve and grow… and those of us that are lower down in the awareness spectrum can be quite aggressively skeptical… which is something I have always found so bizarre, especially as I grew up in a country where spirit & ancestor worship was the norm, and like I said… surely they want us to be right deep down… but it can only come from fear of the unknown… but these people are not worth arguing with… so be aware of when things are best left. Say your peace and agree to disagree… don’t sink down to their level and let their aggression and resistance affect you… remember – their behaviour says more about them, than it does about you…
If you start to embrace these spiritual truths, I think you’ll be amazed at how much more support and communication from spirit you start to receive. When we fully embrace our spirituality, and express that outwardly, encompassing it as a way of life and not just a hobby or something to return to in times of crisis, magical things will start to happen…"

So with that in mind, and the fact that we are in an incredibly potent time energetically for manifesting & setting intentions, I am bringing my two paths together, and am outing myself as a Holistic Practitioner, & a Mystic! The time has come for me to merge these 2 parts of my life as it is my goal to be much more authentic in my approach to both areas, and no longer keep the deeper Spiritual stuff separate... it is all part and parcel of the 'Holistic' approach to life after all, and I want to commit as much of my energy to promoting my message, raising the world's vibration, and helping as many people as I can! And the best way for me to do that is to bring it all together!

So if you are deciding to stay with me on this journey, or if you have decided to take your leave, I wish you nothing but love, happiness, laughter & blessings! In this life & the next!
